Award-winning actor/author/educator Akuyoe Graham possesses an extraordinary gift – the ability to sit with society’s outcasts and rapidly guide them to a life-changing experience of their own Beauty of Being. 

Akuyoe’s personal encounter with her transcendent inner beauty was the culmination of a long journey, which she re-enacts in her highly acclaimed one-woman play, Spirit Awakening. By animating the pivotal characters who influenced her along the way, Akuyoe takes audiences on her odyssey of Self-discovery – from tribal princess in her native Ghana, to British schoolgirl, to socialite-wannabe in New York, and finally back to her original African heritage and deeper spiritual Self.  

Whether in a prison classroom with a dozen inmates – or on stage before hundreds of students or regular playgoers – Akuyoe’s archetypal journey electrifies audiences and inspires them to look beneath their own social masks to their unchanging inner essence. 

The journey to wholeness, which informed and enlightened Akuyoe to her true and enduring nature, also empowered her to help alienated and incarcerated youth to reconnect with their unique, authentic identities – beyond the circumstances of their birth and the stories of their lives. And from this place of heightened awareness, Akuyoe’s students tap into a wellspring of creativity to write and perform their own remarkable stories of awakening to the untarnished Self behind the defensive postures and masks.

Akuyoe has become an icon, a way-shower, and a mentor to hundreds of youth who long to find their way back to themselves.  Under her liberating influence, people of all ages who have forgotten their youthful vision of life’s greater possibilities, are able to reconnect with that original spirit, recast their current condition in a new light, and dream again of who they truly are and can be in the world. And because her presence resonates with ‘the better angels of their nature,’ participants in Akuyoe’s Writes of Passage program are imbued with a new confidence in their abilities and a stronger commitment to fulfill their greater potential.

Given that we all learn best by teaching – and find redemption and joy through acts of service – Akuyoe took a group of her graduates to Ghana to share their love and faith in the future with orphaned children there. The trip was financed by her Spirit Awakening Foundation through the generosity of individual donors and private organizations and was consequently televised on The Africa Channel.  As host for The Africa Channel, Akuyoe has interviewed President Dramani Mahama, acclaimed author Chris Abani and film star Akosua Busia amongst others.

Akuyoe is the author of the best-selling book, “The Little Book of Transformation/7 days to a brand new you,” and can be seen in the independent films Switchboard, Faith and Dreams, and The Good Wifey; and the soon to be released Ben and Ara. She has been in numerous television shows and commercials and is currently working on bringing Spirit Awakening to the big screen.