Akuyoe Graham has appeared in a wide variety of acclaimed productions, including roles in "General Hospital" and Spirit Awakening, her award-winning one-woman show.
A graduate of the famed High School of the Performing Arts, Akuyoe went on to study with Uta Hagen, Herbert Berghof and Sanford Meisner. She has appeared in productions such as "General Hospital," American Pie, Danika and her one-woman show, Spirit Awakening. See her reel above.
Faith and Dreams
Faith and Dreams, a film from director Will Raee, brings to light the realities of life in Northern Uganda and the plight of children caught in the midst of war, many of whom are recruited and forced to fight. Watch Akuyoe's powerful performance in the video above.
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Spirit Awakening
"Between betrayal and redemption is the soul's longing for itself..." The story of Akuyoe's critically acclaimed one-woman show Spirit Awakening takes its audience on a journey of betrayal and forgiveness from Ghana to London, to New York and back to the soul.